Tuesday, April 13, 2021


  Steps to making a hangi

  1. Step one is preparation, getting all the stuff you need.

  2. Step two is digging the hole to put the food in.

  3. Step three is lighting the hangi.

  4. Step four is preparing the food to put in the hangi.

  5. Step five is putting the food in the hole and covering it with dirt.

  6. Step six is uncovering the hangi and sharing kai and eating it.

Lightning the fire

When we lit the fire we used newspaper and toilet rolls. We put them in the hole that we dug before it. Then we stacked wood pellets over the hole. In between the pellets we put irons. We lit the fire from the bottom and then we looked after it. The pellets will start to turn to ash so we stack more pellets on until there's none left. The irons will have fallen through. When it is done we scoop all the ash out and use the irons to cook the food for the hangi.

Things you need

  1. wood
  2. paper
  3. fire
  4. people
  5. lighter
  6. irons